Evelien Sipkes
video: Jeannine Käser
Looking at these pictures of me at the age of 3 and 4, it is obvious that I always wanted to make things.
1955 | Born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
1963 | Moved to Curaçao |
1973 | Moved to the Netherlands to study for teacher in crafts and social subjects |
1977 – 1988 | Teacher, coach, manager in institutions for mental health care |
1988 – 2004 | Freelance management consultant, coach, lecturer |
1990 – 1995 | Art academy ‘Hogeschool voor de Kunsten’, Utrecht, the Netherlands |
1996 | Moved back to Curaçao |
2003- now | Fulltime artist |

Still making things…
video: Jeannine Käser
Curriculum Vitae
Eveline Sipkes, Amsterdam, Holland, 1955
Teacher in arts & crafts, (N XX). De Kemenade, Doetinchem, Holland, 1973-1977
Academie of Arts. Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, Holland 1990-1995
Several courses in jewelry making, ceramics, bronze, sculpturing.
Contemporary jewelry, wearable art, ceramics, mixed media.
Solo and duo exhibitions
2021 | ‘Open Atelier’, own studio, Curaçao, duo |
2018 | ‘Open Atelier’, own studio, Curaçao, duo |
2015 | ‘Gallery Quintessens’, Utrecht, Holland, duo |
2015 | ‘Open Atelier’, own studio, Curaçao. |
2012 | ‘Art and Wine’, Kunstkwartier, Curaçao, solo |
2011 | ‘Open Atelier’, own studio, Curaçao. solo |
2011 | ‘Contemporary Contrasts’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao. solo |
2010 | ‘Bones and Basic’s, Bling Bling Blend’, Pennings Inside, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. solo |
2008 | ‘Isn’t a teapot’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. mini-solo |
2008 | ‘Golden Touch’ teaservice for ‘Angelica’s Delights’, Curaçao, N.A. solo |
2007 | ‘Perpetual Motion’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. solo |
2004 | ‘Natureluurs’, solo, Galerie Lous Martin, Delft, Holland solo |
2004 | ‘Jewelless jewelry’, solo, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao N.A. solo |
Group exhibitions
2020 | ‘Ekstremo, Pa Koroná e Obra’, Curacaosch Museum, Curaçao |
2019 | Kunstmoment Diepenheim’, Gallery Frank van Zwicht, Diepenheim, the Netherlands |
2018 | ‘Design Week Curaçao’, Curaçao |
2016 | ‘Sieraad Art Fair’ |
2016 | Artist Collaboration EMMA, Saskatchewan, Canada |
2014 | Exhibition Residence Vermeulen, Achterveld, Holland |
2014 | Artist Collaboration EMMA, Saskatchewan, Canada |
2013 | ‘Tropisch Nederland’, Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Holland |
2013 | ‘Franje van Oranje’, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao, group |
2012 | ‘A breast or two’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, group |
2012 | ‘Door het oog van Egberdien’, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao. group |
2012 | ‘Big Fish, Small Pot’, American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, CA, U.S.A. group |
2012 | ‘Dugudugo, be mine’, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao, group |
2011 | ‘Bejeweled’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao. group |
2011 | ‘Dutch Design Week’, Gallery Cecile van Eeden, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. group |
2011 | ‘Maskara’, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao. group |
2010 | ‘Antepasado di Futuro’ (Acestors of the Future), Curaçao Museum, Curaçao. group |
2010 | ‘Kus’, Gallery Lous Martin, Delft, the Netherlands. group |
2010 | ‘Bijoux Sauvages’, Wesel Art Galley, Brussels, Belgium. group |
2009 | ‘Breijer Collection’, additions for ‘Secrets Within’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2009 | ‘Porcelain shells and shapes’, additions for ‘Biosphere’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2009 | ‘Caribbean Crossroads’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2008 | ‘End of the year exhibition’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2008 | ‘Artisits from Curacao’, Curaçao Museum, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’, Gallery Alma Blou, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | Gifts and Crafts Show, W.T.C., Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | Open Monumenten, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | ‘It’s all about women’, Gallery Alma Blou, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | 275 years anniversary of the synagogue, Villa Maria, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2007 | SOFA Artfair, Chicago, USA group |
2007 | SOFA Artfair, New York, USA group |
2007 | ‘Perpetual Motion’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. duo |
2006 | Jewelry for Tania Kross, The Netherlands group |
2006 | SOFA Artfair, New York, USA group |
2006 | Window exhibition, Riffort Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2006 | ‘Under Construction’, Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2006 | ‘Celebration’, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2006 | Open atelier, Studio Girouette, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2006 | Open atelier, own studio, Curaçao, N.A. group |
2005 | ‘De koninklijke hoed: steengoed!’, studio Girouette, Curaçao N.A. group |
2005 | ‘Koninginnedinge’ , own studio, Curaçao N.A. group |
2005 | ‘Lieve Koningin, hierbij schenk ik u….’ Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao N.A. group |
2005 | ‘Cryptoraño’, Riffort, Curaçao N.A. group |
2005 | ‘Nos arte’, Curaçaos Museum, Curaçao N.A. group |
2005 | SOFA (Sculptural Objects and Functional Art) Artfair, repr. by Charon Kransen, New York, USA group |
2005 | ‘Ladekastproject’ Galerie Phoebus with Threes Moolhuysen-Coenders, Rotterdam, Holland group |
2004 | ‘Houdt van sieraden’, Galerie Lous Martin, Delft, Holland group |
2003 | ‘Bijzondere publicaties’, Riffort, Curaçao N.A. group |
2003 | Access Art Gallery, Aruba group |
2002 | Artfestival, Curaçao N.A. group |
2001 | ‘I came by boat’ Maritime Museum, Curaçao N.A. group |
2001 | ‘De nieuwe ambtsketen’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland group |
1998 | Galerie Cebra, Düsseldorf, Germany group |
1997 | Galerie Art Box, Waregem, Belgium group |
1997 | ‘Water’, Galerie Guthschmidt, Den Haag, Holland group |
1997 | Galerie de Muzeval, Emmen, Holland group |
1997 | ‘Art in Case’, Galerie Art & Casy, Rotterdam, Holland group |
1996 | Galerie In de praktijk, Zeist, Holland group |
1996 | ‘Structuur’, solo, Galerie Lous Martin, Delft, Holland group |
1996 | ‘Een voorproefje’, Galerie Lous Martin, Delft, Holland group |
1995 | Galerie Hers, solo, Rotterdam, Holland group |
1995 | ‘I see angels in the architecture’, Galerie Ademloos, Den Haag, Holland group |
1995 | ‘Nieuwe oogst’, Galerie Amarna, Maastricht, Holland group |
1995 | Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Holland group |
1994 | Galerie Fusion, Darmstadt, Germany group |
1994 | ‘Meedragen’, Galerie Ademloos, Den Haag, Holland group |
Online articles
Articles & invitations